Friday, May 29, 2009

learn trading Forex

Do you imagine that some paid or free forex trading course.

Could you imagine that we could trade like machines do forex trading online? It
could be perfect. If you decided to invest in forex, the trade would be 100%
effective. Sadly, it’s impossible. So far, at least. Yet, though it’s humans who
trade, it’s impossible to trade avoiding emotions. But it doesn’t mean that only
if you are a human, you can not trade.

It happens so that most trading technologies combine some percent of chance to
win and some percent of stress. The technologies that are most effective are the
most stressful at the same time. Therefore it’s inevitable that you choose the
one that provides you with the greatest chance to win and that is at the same
time not impossible to handle the pressure. Choosing the right trading technique
is much about individual characteristics. It means that the very same technology
will be perfect for some traders, but will mean losses for the others. And it’s
not obviously that a person who fails using some technology is doing something

So, what if it happens that you find the splitting deals trade most effective,
but one day it brings you losses? Mathematically it makes no sense. Yet, if you
take into account that you are a human being and your trade is influenced not by
technology only, it’s getting clearer. If the technology doesn’t “fit” you, it
will only bring you losses. If you do not take human factor into account, your
long term strategy has no future.

Yet’ let us not be too enthusiastic about the former example. It’s common that
the splitting deal trade is any way much more effective than other approaches.
Yet, we just wanted to state that there is almost nothing absolute in trade. You
should see the whole picture and be informed. And let nobody persuade you just
by stating that something is scientifically approved. Think about logics and
reasons for something.



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